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    Kaarlo Jaakkola, M.D. founded Biomed in 1982 to introduce advanced nutritional therapies

    Kaarlo Jaakkola, M.D. founded Biomed in 1982 to introduce advanced nutritional therapies

    Biomed’s story begins with the pioneering work of Kaarlo Jaakkola, Specialist Doctor of Surgery.

    Jaakkola’s interest in vitamin and micronutrient research was so significant that Biomed Oy was born around this topic.

    Jaakkola’s great inspiration was originally Thomas Tallberg, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (also: Docent of Immunology), who had obtained promising results in the nutritional treatment of patients in poor condition.

    As early as 1976, Kaarlo Jaakkola founded the Kristiinankaupunki Medical Centre (later the Antioxidant Clinic, Antioksidanttiklinikka), where he began treating patients with nutritional treatments alongside normal school medicine treatments. He initially studied the effects of nutrients such as vitamins, fatty acids, and micronutrients as supportive medication on his own patients.

    In his work as a surgeon-chief physician at the Bothnian Sea Regional Hospital, he saw the dramatic impact of nutritional treatments on his patients.

    Nutritional treatments in support of traditional treatments produced good results, especially for patients in poor condition. Kaarlo Jaakkola saw how the recovery of surgical patients was significantly enhanced by certain nutritional supplements and dietary changes.

    Jaakkola has since written several books on the application of nutritional treatments in patient work.

    Product development ignited by pioneering with neurolipids

    Product development ignited by pioneering with neurolipids

    At an early stage, Jaakkola became acquainted with Raimo Hiltunen, Professor of Pharmacognosy at the University of Helsinki.

    According to Hiltunen, it was impossible to get the necessary phospholipids, which are important for the optimal functioning of the body, directly from food. In cooperation with Jaakkola, Hiltunen developed a patented method for isolating neurolipids.

    It was quickly discovered that there were no preparations on the market from which these important fats could be easily obtained.

    This remark was the initial impetus for the establishment of Biomed. The utilization of neurolipid isolation methods laid the foundation for the company, which was established in 1982 with the cooperation agreement of Raimo Hiltunen, Professor of Pharmacognosy at the University of Helsinki, and Kaarlo Jaakkola, founder of the Antioxidant Clinics, to develop and manufacture products for the needs of doctors.

    Since then, Biomed has manufactured nutritional supplements and specialty products suitable for nutritional treatments.

    Biomed’s product range took a real up-turn when the liposome composition of the Neuroway product it had developed was patented.

    The product development of these liposomal products continues and they are believed to revolutionize the entire health product industry.

    Biomed’s specialty products, neurolipid preparations, are the building blocks of cell membranes.

    These preparations contain e.g. phosphoserine, phosphocholine and sphingolipids, i.e. fatty compounds that are important building blocks of the brain and cell membranes.

    Animal fats are closer in composition to the body’s own fats than any derivative of vegetable fats. Thus, these fats are more easily absorbed into the cells.

    Thousands of fatty compounds have been isolated from the neurolipids studied. Biomed is the only company in Europe that manufactures and produces phospholipids of animal origin commercially.

    The wellness pioneer grew to become a manufacturer of some of the world’s highest quality health products

    The wellness pioneer grew to become a manufacturer of some of the world’s highest quality health products

    In the 1980s, there were no effective nutritional treatments on the market yet, and in the early days of the company, products that did not even exist before, were made.

    In the 1990s, Biomed established its position in the market and developed a wealth of new products, many of which are still customer favourites today.

    Over the past decade, Biomed’s digital marketing has taken great development leaps. More and more new products have been launched and customer-oriented product development has remained at the heart of the company’s business idea.

    Uncompromising quality and fine, knowledgeable resellers still make sure that Biomed is widely known for its high quality.

    From quality vitamin preparations to bone broth powder, from customized nutrition courses to public events

    From quality vitamin preparations to bone broth powder, from customized nutrition courses to public events

    Today, Biomed’s product range includes nutritional supplements for dozens of different purposes, as well as popular specialty products, such as bone broth ice cubes.

    Doctors specializing in nutritional therapies and functional medicine are still important partners and sparrers for Biomed in product development. Information from practical patient work has always been utilized in product development.

    Biomed has always been explicit in its sales network and products are only sold in skilled specialty stores. Sales personnel is constantly trained so that they know how to choose the right specialty products for their customer needs. Of course, many doctors trained in nutritional therapies today prescribe Biomed products to support the treatment.

    Lectures and courses for the general public have also been an important part of Biomed’s operations. In recent years, the company has produced dozens of lectures and courses on various aspects of nutrition and well-being. Healthy lifestyle lectures are a very popular series of tours where industry-leading lecturers share the latest nutrition information.

    TerveysSummit - the latest health knowledge from top experts for all Finns

    TerveysSummit - the latest health knowledge from top experts for all Finns

    Inspired by Elias Jaakkola, the current CEO of Biomed, online health event TerveysSummit has been organized five times so far.

    The idea of TerveysSummit (HealthSummit) is to share the best and most up-to-date health knowledge to Finns interested in their health and well-being in the pioneering spirit of Kaarlo Jaakkola – 100% free of charge.

    The main idea of TerveysSummit is pioneering combined with expertise. Thus, experts always stand out at the event with their expertise, and information and discussion belong to everyone.

    From the beginning, TerveysSummit has attracted high-quality speakers – e.g. by the end of 2020, more than 40 top health experts and pioneers of holistic healthcare had been invited to speak. For a total of 8 days, they have talked about current topics that promote good health in different ways.

    Public interest in TerveysSummit has been tremendous from the beginning. Interviews of the latest summits have had over a million views in one week. Among the topics of great interest are e.g. sleep, nutrition, thyroid and cancer treatments, and other topics at the forefront of holistic health care.

    TerveysSummit has also expanded into a TV show; The TV series, which is already in its second season in AlfaTV’s program, has reached a whole new enthusiastic audience.

    Encouraged by the popularity of TerveysSummit, Biomed has also released several popular online trainings in the healthcare industry in collaboration with top experts. Up to 98% of customer satisfaction has been measured in these courses, and more and more training has been requested on various topics.

    Proven satisfied customers behind the popular health product brand

    Proven satisfied customers behind the popular health product brand

    Biomed is proud of the long-term work that has resulted in the development of several perhaps the best and most effective health products on the market in its region. The most important thing in the end is the growing number of satisfied customers, the growth of which is also clearly visible in social media discussions.

    In addition to high customer satisfaction, the high valuation of Biomed’s products is also clearly visible among industry players. As a significant player in the industry, Biomed brings together the players in the industry and leads the development of the industry.

    The excellence and reliability of the company’s health products is perhaps most evident in the repeated top rankings in the health products industry polls.

    The Finnish Association of Health Product Traders (Suomen Terveystuotekauppiaiden Liitto ry) has chosen Biomed products as the Products of the Year in the Super Food category (Actiwhey 2016, Green capsule 2014, Linomix 2006 and Wheatgrass juice 1996) and in the Sport Preparations category (EnergyWay 2013).

    In 2019, Biomed’s Strong Curcumin was chosen as the health product of the year by public vote. It is the purest and strongest curcumin product on the market. Its efficiency-enhancing production method is based on ingenious extraction.

    And in 2020, Biomed’s Bone broth powder was chosen as the health product of the year, which has gained great popularity among fans of traditional domestic health products.

    Towards international arenas through an extensive collaboration network

    Towards international arenas through an extensive collaboration network

    Biomed is constantly expanding its product range with ideas born over the years, always focused on new, modern needs.

    The primary purpose is to serve domestic customers with the widest possible range of products and at the same time prepare for expansion into international markets.

    Biomed’s nutritional products are so unique that similar products are not available elsewhere and have therefore also sparked international demand even without more specific marketing.

    Throughout its history, Biomed has worked closely and long-term in collaboration with various research institutes, universities and physicians, and has applied know-how in various fields in the development of its products.

    Biomed intends to continue to grow by creating new demand with new innovative products, as well as international expansion.

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